November 8, 2007

The second tour

Good ice cream!, originally uploaded by jdng.

The second tour happened in summer of 2006. It started at Brr Kee's Ice Cream (pictured above). Look at the pure bliss on the faces of (from left to right) Erin, Johnny, Ruth, and Ian. Jenn is not pictured because she was taking the picture, but she had the same smile as the rest.

The next three places we tried to go to were closed for various reasons, so we ended up going to 3 different places within Millvale, PA:

  1. Regis Steedle, which happened to be opening for the last time on our visit.
  2. Crazy Cones, which had not-so-good cherry-dipped ice cream.
  3. Yetter's Candies

Take a look at the set of second tour pictures.


Johnny Chung Lee said...

Erin and I seem to both be in pain.

kims said...

My son, almost 10, is doing research on you as part of his 4th grade invention convention project and we see you like ice cream. In Columbus, Ohio we have the best: Jeni's Splendid Ice Cream. You must add it to your tour or, at the very least, order some online!